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Mindset check

So we started a new series titled NEW YOU - Staying in position

When we think of the word new we might sometimes imagine ourselves in a different place or location, in a different circumstance or removed from the challenges that our own unique circumstance may present - we may think being new is all about that feeling of glee or giddiness that exists when we receive a new toy or gift. In reality this is not all true

Sometimes God will take the exact circumstance you are trying to depart from and enable something new to emerge as you allow your mind to be renewed, in other words, think fresh. The fresh thoughts bring new sight. Sometimes as a mum we might think, if only these kids would just grow up and i could enjoy myself a little more, if only I could have another job then I have more pay, if only I could have a different spouse, live in a different place etc. It is possible for all these things to change all around us and we are no nearer to operating our new because the new should come with a sense of victory. If that is absent, is the experience really new?

As a human being the path to newness is manifested in many different layers of our lives and so it touches and reaches depths of us. So while newness maybe reflected on the surface, true newness goes deep down inside to parts that are unseen within us. It starts from the bottom and builds up, it starts from the core and ripples out, it starts from scratch where nothing might have previously been to perfect not simply appearance but purpose and functionality of the said being.

When we purchase something new there is an expectation in regards to its purpose and functionality and if it falls short, it was obviously not new or simply faulty in which case it needs to be repaired or restored.

Since newness requires depth, our mind plays a huge part in this renewal process and it is a continuous process for us to function appropriately

The number seven signifies completion in biblical terms and our mind can be completely renewed as well. So here I share seven types of thoughts that help us maintain a renewed mind and I will also give you an example of how these where used or have been used

Thought precedes new the beginning was the word. The word came from a thought.. to attain new things and live in a constant state of renewal we should have

- True thoughts

- Honourable or Noble thoughts

- the Right thoughts

- Pure thoughts

- Lovely thoughts

- Admirable thoughts

- Excellent or praiseworthy thoughts

Seven thoughts making our thought language complete and perfect. I know, I am in the process too!

There are some qualities I see the NEW identifying with:

1) The past is forgotten, the old ways are left behind because new patterns are beginning to form

2) The new carries an expansive quality with it. There is room or potential for enlargement. It speaks of possibilities and opportunities.

3) The new is purposeful. It is filled with purpose. No one creates or makes something new for nothing, there is always purpose to it and required for something.

4) Attractive and exciting. That's why we anticipate it because of the excitement it brings.

5) Can be disruptive. The new has potential to disrupt things because its about renewing patterns and transforming the ways things have been, changing the order of things. Interrupting the norm to create something much better can be a disruptive process and not always welcome.

All this is actually really empowering news because it would seem that the manifestation of newness is really down to us. We are as new as we let ourselves be new....

Roman 12:2 Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

Newness is none conformity and letting go of our ideals to embrace opportunities before us but in order to do that we have to see it, and sometimes even when we see it is still hard for us to take hold of it because we have mindsets that have us attached to an expired pattern of thinking or being!

I guess when we consider this we shouldn't simply think what is in this for me but what is in it for everyone else. As a parent when I give my child something, the hope is that whatever he gains from it will produce fruit that can bless others around him not simply for his enjoyment and entertainment and I believe it is the same with our God, our creator He knows the best gifts to give, he owns the best victories, he makes the all things NEW! We can trust Him in those seasons we enter that seem unprecedented ,that challenge our mindset, that disrupt the normalcy in our lives, that stretch us to grow. We can trust His best.

I want us to explore what I call the 3 Ds in my next podcast, which stands for Determination, Diligence and discipline and this actually forms part of my personal creed. I will be inviting a few mums from the amazing mum network I coordinate on WhatsApp next time to discuss this with me because I don't know any group of people more fierce than mums when it comes to watching over something new, like their off spring and I know the level of discipline this often requires. It also requires staying at it even when we don't want to and making sure they get it.....these are fundamental basics we teach our children so they can access the new, so they can have victory in their own lives and I am thrilled to be having this conversation with mums on my next episode. Don't miss it!

Be blessed.

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